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i2 Technology

innovation  infrastructure for



 and Companies


Behavioral science technology to identify both Innovator-Talent and Builder-Talent in order to build an Innovation Talent Pipeline and create talent-optimized co-founder teams


The scientific method of hypothesis testing applied throughout the entire venture lifecycle, from Concept-to-Scale, and embedded within a shared ecosystem operating system


for capitalization

Many-2-Many platform to connect investment capital providers to new ventures through a cloud-based, proof-centric platform



The innovation ecosystem's
(from coffee-shops to Launch Control Centers and Innovation Districts) 

What is

innovation infrastructure?


In the same way that transportation infrastructure or electric grid infrastructure supports and connects communities, innovation infrastructure

connects and empowers the innovation ecosystem of a company, college, or city.

The 4 quadrants of innovation infrastructure:


People, Process, Platform, and Place


innovation infrastructure



                                              & Platform

OSIE™ is the world’s first Operating System for Innovation Ecosystems.   OSIE™ enables innovation ecosystems to generate successful new ventures at massive scale, by facilitating the creation of ideas about new ways to create customer value, and the development of those ideas from concept-to-scale through a rigorous, lean, science-based iterative approach to revenue growth.


An “Osie” (Romanian word for axle) is necessary for a wheel to turn. Likewise, an Operating System is needed for the "wheels" of an Innovation Ecosystem to turn. 


Scalable. Robust. Secure.

At i2 Technology, our comprehensive technological solutions help Companies, Cities, and Colleges empower their innovation ecosystems through a multi-phase strategic implementation of innovation infrastructure.  Our platform represents a massive vision to spur robust GDP growth and create 1 Billion Good Jobs worldwide through the Job Factory Collective Impact



For a demonstration of any of our innovation infrastructure solutions, use the Get In Touch form below.

Graphic Designer

"New ventures account for nearly all net new job creation."

Kauffman Foundation

"America has a broken innovation ecosystem that does not efficiently create the right incentives or allocate enough resources to generate new ideas, develop those ideas with focused research, and turn them into businesses that can
create good jobs. . . . America simply does not have an efficient
system to take new ideas from government, academic, and privatesector research labs and translate them into commercially viable products and businesses."

Gary Locke, Secretary,
Department of Commerce

“The challenges for business leaders and policymakers are to empower entrepreneurs and to foster domestic and international innovation ecosystems…”

Center For Technology, Research and Commercialization

Innovation ecosystems: Empowering entrepreneurs and powering economies

"Start-ups, corporations, governments, educational institutions and investors represent the five main actors in a start-up ecosystem. Healthy ecosystems require that each of these five entities works in conjunction with, and mutually supports, each other because their needs are interdependent and success is co-created. Maximizing the role of these actors is essential to create and maintain a vibrant start-up ecosystem."

Sara Fang - EY

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537 Houston St.

Coppell, Texas



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